Sunday, October 4, 2009


There is something so very titillating about books, whether it be the sound of turning pages, the smell of new or antique ones, or the feel of that glorious page as it turns in your fingers to the next exciting and captivating line. Books are an escape from reality, one in which we can put our whole heart and soul with reckless abandon; the only sacred form of its kind. Nothing compares to a leather-bound book. The rough, dry feel of the animal skin cover in relation to the smooth, silky texture of the ivory-stained page is exhilarating. It is so formal, to be in relation to such a book, but yet it is informal, because all that must be done to engulf yourself in the world of your choice is let go. It is in no manner relegation, but quite the opposite. You are releasing yourself into a safer, authoritative position. You are not in control, except for but one thing, and that is the courage to keep reading, most importantly when the climax is reached. A book will never close on you, it will welcome you, open cover to cover. It will forgive you when you put it down for days on end, comfort you in the frightening parts, and will rejoice with you at the end when all is as it should be. Do not ever judge the ending of a book, for it is truly perfect. Nothing must be done to change it, because then it becomes submissive, and all should know that books are certainly not that. A line from the song Books are Buring by XTC went as such, "I believe the printed word should be forgiven, beyond the guage of good or bad. The wisdom hotline from the dead back to the living. Made to order for the fearful and sad." These are wise words, and should be cherished always.
"There is something so very titillating about books."

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